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This data is part of the Acres Home Mobility Study. https://www.houstontx.gov/planning//Publications/Acres-Home-Final-Report-20230330.pdf<\/SPAN><\/P>

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This data is part of the Acres Home Mobility Study. https://www.houstontx.gov/planning//Publications/Acres-Home-Final-Report-20230330.pdf<\/SPAN><\/P>

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Final Houston Bike Plan data, for City Council consideration. 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Data downloaded Mar 31, 2023 from the Metro Feature service - https://www.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=343e60c289184204b4e16224ce673af3<\/SPAN><\/P>


Bus stops as of January 2018 Service Change. <\/SPAN><\/P>

4 Beechnut - Route modification near Scott St @ Cleburne St. Westbound trips use Scott St (R) Alabama (L) Tierwester (R) Cleburne<\/SPAN><\/P>

39 Katy Freeway - layover moved to new permanent location on Britoak south of Katy Freeway<\/SPAN><\/P>

76 Evergreen - Removed long-term detour - back to original route S Loop E to Reveille<\/SPAN><\/P>

87 Sunnyside - Route modification to permanently serve Star of Hope complex on Reed Rd @ SH 288<\/SPAN><\/P>

Stop moves and attriblute updates<\/SPAN><\/P>

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